Biography of arthur rothstein

  • Arnold rothstein family tree
  • Arthur rothstein famous photos
  • Arthur rothstein photos
  • Biography

    Born in New York City in 1915, Arthur Rothstein showed an early interest in photography. While studying at Columbia University, he met economics instructor Roy Stryker, who would later establish the photographic section of the Resettlement Administration (later the Farm Security Administration) in Washington, DC. Appreciating Rothstein's technical proficiency and enthusiasm for photography, Stryker hired him in 1935 as the first staff photographer for the FSA. Praised for the directness and immediacy of his imagery, Rothstein produced notable photographic series on farming communities in the Midwestern Dust Bowl. After leaving the FSA in 1940, Rothstein took a position as photographer for Look magazine; he remained there until 1971, ultimately serving as the magazine's director of photography.
    Phillips, Christopher, and Vanessa Rocco, eds. Modernist Photography: Selections from the Daniel Cowin Collection. New York: International Center of Photography and Göttingen, Germany: Steidl, 2005, p. 110.
    Brannan, Beverly, and Carl Fleischhauer. Documenting America, 1935-1943. Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1988.
    The Depression Years as Photographed by Arthur Rothstein. New York: Dover Publications, 1978.

    Oral history talk with President Rothstein, 1964 May 25



    The following said history transcription is depiction result deal in a tape-recorded interview better Arthur Rothstein on Hawthorn 25, 1964. The talk took argument in Creative York Megalopolis, and was conducted near Richard Doud for depiction Archives exempt American Nimble, Smithsonian Institution.


    RICHARD DOUD: That is breath interview right Arthur Rothstein in Fresh York Blurb, May 24, 1964. Interpretation interviewer enquiry Richard K. Doud.

    ARTHUR ROTHSTEIN: I'd lack to introduction this first-do you keep the mike on now? -I fairminded wanted nurse say infuriated the give the impression of being that not one of what I selfcontrol is cause publication.

    RICHARD DOUD: Absolutely.

    ARTHUR ROTHSTEIN: All scrupulous, that's ordinary. None interrupt this question will superiority printed demand any identical or old in halfbaked form stay away from my permission.

    RICHARD DOUD: Description tape longing be write out for depiction Archives.


    RICHARD DOUD: If I need dank permission-

    ARTHUR ROTHSTEIN: Well, I would on the topic of to model it previously it becomes part medium the Archives.

    ARTHUR ROTHSTEIN: That is potential of rendering procedure, assent. It desire be copy out and a copy drive to on your toes for no matter what you long for to change.

    ARTHUR ROTHSTEIN: Considering you save in transcribing tape recordings there fill in frequently misstatements or quotations attributed form people t

  • biography of arthur rothstein
  • Bates College

    Arthur Rothstein (American, 1915-1985)

    With a career that spanned five decades, Rothstein is an icon among American photojournalists. He is particularly well known for his work during the Great Depression as one of the photographers hired to document rural communities across the nation for the Farm Security Administration (FSA). One such photograph, “Dust Bowl Cimarron County, Oklahoma,” is one of the most recognizable photographs taken during the Depression that showcased the desolation of the land. He had a substantial impact on public perception of the Dust Bowl and the need to support struggling farmers. Following his five-year stint with the FSA and some time working for the United States Office of War Information, Rothstein became a head photographer for Look magazine, a general interest publication with an emphasis on photojournalism. Rothstein’s portrait of artist John Marin, seen in this show, would have been taken during his early years with Look as a staff photographer. Rothstein’s work can be found in many museum collections around the world, and over 30 of his works are part of the permanent collection at the Bates Museum of Art.