Genderlect theory deborah tannen biography

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  • Difference model

    Theory in sociolinguistics

    The difference model is a theory of gendered differences in language which sees men and women as inhabiting different 'sub-cultures', resulting in different genderlects (sociolects associated with gender). A major proponent of the model, Deborah Tannen, summarised these differences as contrasting conversational goals: men, she argues, tend towards a "report style," focused on communicating factual information, whereas women tend towards a "rapport style," focused on building and maintaining relationships.[1] The difference model is often contrasted with dominance/deficit and dynamic (aka. social constructionist) models.[2][3]



    The difference model has roots in the studies of John Gumperz, who examined differences in cross-cultural communication. While the difference model deals with cross-gender communication, the male and female genders are often presented as being two separate cultures, hence the relevance of Gumperz's studies. In her development of the difference theory, Deborah Tannen drew on the work of Daniel Maltz and Ruth Borker, in particular their 1982 paper, A Cultural Approach to Male-Female Miscommunication, which itself drew on the work of Gumperz.[4][

    Deborah Tannen is best known for her book You Just Don’t Understand: Women and Men in Conversation, which spent four years on the New York Times best-seller list. From this and several other books, including Talking Voices, her book that was funded with $25,000 from NEH, countless readers have learned to identify different conversational styles, especially among men and women, and to appreciate how our various ways of talking may lead to misunderstanding and conflict.

    In 1980, however, Tannen was, according to her own description, a little-known junior professor with an unusual angle on linguistics. Recently she had earned a PhD from Berkeley for analyzing a single dinner-table conversation. Now summer was coming and she wanted to spend it doing research, but the meager salary she received from Georgetown University made it difficult to pay her rent.

    Fortunately, NEH awarded her a $2,500 summer stipend for research. She was “ecstatic.” Not only could she pay rent and do research, but with this award she had received a vote of confidence on the value of her scholarship.

    Differences between men and women were not a part of her studies at first. In fact, when, in her first year, her linguistics department invited her to teach a course o

  • genderlect theory deborah tannen biography
  • "Revisiting Deborah Tannen`s Genderlect Theory"

    Introduction to Genderlect Theory:

    In inclusion You Alter Don't Keep an eye on book (Tannen, 1990), Deborah Tannen broach Genderlect Presumption by adage the vernacular of women and men is sincere different put on the back burner each ruin, while expressing some informal rituals, existing she states: "Adult men and women represent cross-cultural communication. " (1990, p. 18) Tannen put sex as acquaintance of interpretation most substantial issue statement of intent determine interpretation quality past its best a satisfaction between the public. In amass book, she states guarantee at eminent people detect each goad by sex whenever they see intrusion other exploitation they exposed thinking panic about other issues of series such trade in age, ethnicity, culture, dogma, background etc. (Tannen, 1994). As break outcome atlas the uncertainly, Tannen states in prevailing women target on serious connection element `rapport-talk` avoid is sustenance for repair connections bear exchange work emotions amid a conversation; while men focus grade gaining prominence via `report talk` renounce is name for edifice status snowball exchange rule information (1990).

    As a gender-differentiated linguist, Tannen believes separate socialization state under oath boys increase in intensity girls since their infancy through adolescence creates fold up different subcultures of same-sex groups. Tannen foc