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  • Arsenian, S. ().
  • The hyper-enrichment of silver through the aggregation of silver sulfide nanoparticles

    Data availability

    The data generated in this study have been deposited in the Figshare repository (). The raw data underlying the figures are available in the file Source Data. Source data are provided with this paper.


    1. Cheilletz, A. et al. The giant Imiter silver deposit: Neoproterozoic epithermal mineralization in the Anti-Atlas, Morocco. Miner. Depos.37, – ().

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    4. Burisch, M. et al. Genesis of hydrothermal silver-antimony-sulfide veins of the Bräunsdorf sector as part of the classic Freiberg silver mining district, Germany. Miner. Depos.54, – ().

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    5. Miller, B. L. & Singewald, J. T. The Mineral Deposits of South America (McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, ).

    6. Wilkinson, J. J. et al. How metalliferous brines line Mexican epithermal veins with silver. Sci. Rep.3, ().

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    7. Wa

      Information and communications technology use to prevent and respond to sexual and gender‐based violence in low‐ and middle‐income countries: An evidence and gap map



      The use of information and communications technologies (ICT) in low‐ and middle‐income countries (LMIC) has increased significantly in the last several years, particularly in health, including related areas such as preventing and responding to sexual and gender‐based violence (SGBV) against women and children. While the evidence for ICT effectiveness has grown significantly in the past 5 years in other aspects of health, it has not for effectiveness of using ICT for the prevention and response to SGBV against women and children in LMIC.


      The primary goal of this evidence and gap map (EGM) is to establish a baseline for the state of the evidence connected with the use of ICT for preventing and responding to SGBV against women and children in LMIC. Objectives that contribute to the achievement of this goal are:

      • (1)

        identifying evidence of effectiveness for the use of ICT targeting the prevention of, and response to, SGBV against women and children in LMIC;

      • (2)

        identifying key gaps in the available ICT for SGBV prevention and/or response evidence;

      • (3)

        identifying research meth

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