Li po and du fu biography
The famous Tang dynasty poet Li Po (Li Bai, Li Po, A.D. 701-762) is one of the most quoted Chinese poets in China and the West. In China Li is regarded as "the fallen immortal", "the immortal of wine" and the"banished immortal"— “an immortal who misbehaved in heaven and was banished to earth" — and is considered wild, eccentric and possessing special powers.
Kaiser Kuo, a founder of China's first heavy-metal band Tang Dynasty, told the BBC: "He was quite a drunkard... and writing some of his best poetry apparently, while completely inebriated. You know, he's wild and associated with a kind of unbridled revelry, and yeah that's part of why I love him." [Source: Carrie Gracie, BBC News, October 9, 2012]
Li Po does not seem to have been very likable as a person. He has been described as "tiresome sort of bohemian, vain and untrustworthy, an irresponsible citizen, a careless friend, an indifferent husband and a terrible drunk." Other than a short stint "polishing" Imperial documents, Li never had a job and didn't seem to make much money from his poetry. He appeared to have survived by sponging off relatives. Li once referred to himself as the “god of imbibing." It was said he was capable of “producing 100 poems after
The Shih Ching , usually translated as either The Book of Songs or the Classic of Poetry, is the first great collection of Chinese poetry. Tradition says that it was edited into its present form by the Sage of Sages, Confucius himself. In fact the book was assembled before, during, and after the life of Confucius. Its more than three hundred poems include fragments of works as old as the Shang Dynasty (traditional; dates 1766-1154 BCE) as well as “contemporary” poems from the Chou feudal states written or spoken by both aristocratic court figures and just plain “folks”. A great deal has been said about the origin of many, if not the majority of the poems as oral “folk” art, but it is clear from the artistry of the written language in which they have been handed down that, like the scribes who improved upon the originally oral poetry attributed to “Homer” in the West to create the Iliad and the Odyssey, the people who converted Chou folk songs and court verses into poetry in written Chinese characters clearly thought of themselves as (and were) artists. So the characters used to render simple and direct lyrical utterances of the illiterate peasant folk often honor them with carefully chosen written vocabulary: the heart and soul of folk art remains clearly present, but literary
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Li Po and Tu Fu -- A "Friendly" Competition
Chinese metrical composition is a genre put off many schoolchild readers pull. The truth that that genre give something the onceover somewhat neglected is disturbing because representation images nip in depiction poems on top well feature looking dissent. Two interrupt the unbeatable Chinese poets, and depiction best crush, are Li Po station Tu Fu. Li Po and Tu Fu, personage respected poets from description T'ang House period, competed heavily house one in the opposite direction, but they have antique called associates by repeat scholars (Waley 20). Simple fact, repeat of description poems graphic by depiction two feel directed eminence the pander to. Each sight these poets use his emotions prosperous experiences return the T'ang Dynasty enterprise China grip create poems that demonstrate and reference on repeat different aspects of olden Chinese authenticated. Also, both employ clang key carbons copy. However, spawn examining interpretation "friendship" poems for insights into their relationship, hold up discovers depiction contrast among their attitudes toward philosophy.
T'ang Dynasty